Extractions Brockville

Dental extractions become necessary when a tooth can't be saved, usually due to extensive decay where so much of the tooth structure is destroyed that restoration is no longer viable. Other reasons for teeth to be extracted include impacted or problematic wisdom teeth, as well as to make space for orthodontic treatment in some cases.

Dental Implant Consultation,
excludes necessary x-rays

(613) 498-4888


Do you suffer from Dental Phobia?

For anxious patients, this new treatment is a miracle.

Your dental health is important and need not be neglected because you are nervous. Oral sedation dentistry is as simple as taking a pill.

Imagine being able to smile with confidence and chew your food without pain. Many patients say, “Sedation dentistry has changed my life.” Once you’ve experienced sedation dentistry, you may never be afraid to go to the dentist again.

Please call today if you have any questions or are ready to begin anxiety-free dentistry.

Our team aims to provide pain-free dental treatment in a relaxing environment.