Invisalign Brockville Brockville

What is it?

Invisalign is an orthodontic device that uses transparent, incremental aligners to adjust teeth as an alternative to traditional wire braces. These virtually invisible, removable, and comfortable aligners allow you to smile more during treatment as well as after. Invisalign clear aligners are made with 3D computer imaging technology and has been proven effective. However, not all patients are suitable for Invisalign treatment. Only a licensed Invisalign trained provider can determine if you will be a suitable candidate.

Why would I want it?

Not only are the aligners virtually invisible, they are removable, so you can eat and drink what you want while in treatment. Plus, brushing and flossing are no problem. They are also more comfortable than traditional braces, with no metal or wires, which also usually means you spend less time in your doctor's office getting adjustments.

How does it work?

You wear each set of aligners for about two weeks, removing them only to brush, floss, eat and drink anything other than water. As you advance your aligner with the next in the series, your teeth will move — little by little, day by day, week by week — until they have straightened to their designed final positions. we will see you about once every four to six weeks to ensure that your treatment is progressing as planned. Total treatment time averages about 6 to 15 months and the average number of aligners worn during treatment is between 5 to 30, but both will vary from case to case. If you want to straighten your teeth and have a great smile, call us at (613) 258-5200 and inquire with our staff for a free consultation today.

Dental Implant Consultation,
excludes necessary x-rays

(613) 498-4888


Do you suffer from Dental Phobia?

For anxious patients, this new treatment is a miracle.

Your dental health is important and need not be neglected because you are nervous. Oral sedation dentistry is as simple as taking a pill.

Imagine being able to smile with confidence and chew your food without pain. Many patients say, “Sedation dentistry has changed my life.” Once you’ve experienced sedation dentistry, you may never be afraid to go to the dentist again.

Please call today if you have any questions or are ready to begin anxiety-free dentistry.

Our team aims to provide pain-free dental treatment in a relaxing environment.